Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First Post!!!!

So here it is... my first post! No, I am not in school yet. But, in a few short months (September, to be precise) I will be attending my first class as a veterinary student at University College Dublin. Yay!!! =). I have officially accepted my offer and paid the deposit of 2000 Euro. Admittedly  I am nervous and I have no idea what to bring with me yet. As I find out more I will certainly post it.

My acceptance email informed me that I will be in the 4 year graduate entry programme and a little bit of information about the curriculum. I'm hoping to get a lot more information soon.

 I guess I can start with a little about myself....

My name is Amanda. I am from New Jersey (south NJ), born and raised. I have never been to Europe....

(A bit awkward since I am about to move there...???)

Since I can remember I have always wanted to be a veterinarian. I am so excited that my dream is finally becoming a more tangible reality. In my spare time I like to read books, practice yoga, and cook delicious foods.

Right now I live at home with my pets, my parents, and my brother; although you wouldn't know it by how much time I spend at my boyfriend's house.. I work as  a veterinary technician at a Veterinary Hospital that is pretty close to home. There are four practices and about 9 doctors. I am lucky to work in an office with a lot of traffic. I love my job and all of the people I work with. They are all very excited for me.

So far I have prepared for vet school by checking out sdn (student doctor network) and using it as a tool to meet current students, asking those students questions, making mental checklists (what should I brinnnggg???), looking up student loan information, and helping loved ones get passports if they don't already have them.

I hope I can maintain this blog throughout the next 4 years.

Fingers crossed and good hopes for the future. =)